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Flific - Building an Empowering and Ethical Adult Marketplace: A Human-Centered Design Approach

Tipo de projeto

Digital Product - End-to-End Design - Freelancer


Oct 2020 - Feb 2021



In 2019, a group of visionary entrepreneurs recognized the untapped potential of the adult market in Brazil. Despite the absence of a dominant player, the international success of OnlyFans revealed the immense opportunity in this space, albeit with challenges for Brazilian creators and consumers due to its foreign origin. It was within this context that Flific, a groundbreaking project aiming to become the leading Brazilian platform, was born. As a UX specialist, I was entrusted with shaping Flific's user experience, even though, at the time, my clients possessed only the platform's name. This case study presents the journey of transforming a nascent concept into a credible, user-centric solution that revolutionized the Brazilian adult industry.

Context and Research

To lay a solid foundation for a project as abstract as Flific, I recognized the importance of two primary pillars: the end-users and the brand. At the outset, the brand did not yet exist, and the understanding of the end-users was murky, as is often the case. To tackle these challenges head-on, I employed several essential design tools to guide the initial stages: the Golden Circle, the CSD Matrix (focusing on the users), a unique statement, it is / it is not / do / don't and a comparative scale.

Through this systematic approach, a clear vision began to emerge. It became evident that our target audience would exclusively consist of content creators, and our primary focus should be on their needs and aspirations. This strategic decision was driven by the understanding that content creators play a pivotal role in attracting consumers, and existing platforms failed to provide a satisfactory experience for Brazilian creators. By aligning with the entrepreneurs' vision, I embarked on configuring the user research field.

In addition to leveraging insights derived from the CSD Matrix, I embarked on a comprehensive exploration of the content creators' world. Through more than 15 in-depth interviews with creators of various sizes and niches, I sought to delve into their challenges, aspirations, behaviors, and the pivotal role digital platforms played in their daily lives. The findings from these interviews were meticulously compiled, resulting in a compelling presentation that shed light on the creators' perspectives and informed subsequent design decisions.
By taking a holistic approach to understanding our end-users, we not only gained invaluable insights into their needs but also established a strong foundation of empathy and credibility for the Flific project.

Problem Definition
After shaping the brand identity based on the entrepreneurs' desired perception, conducting interviews with creators, and studying the competition, I successfully identified key problems that needed to be addressed in the UX design. These problems included bureaucracy, security, ethical considerations as diversity and inclusivity.
Bureaucracy was a significant pain point, as existing platforms demanded multiple steps to create an account and start selling. Streamlining this process would be crucial to enhancing the user experience for content creators.

Security was another critical concern, considering the personal and sensitive nature of the content being shared. Creators often fell victim to leaks and piracy, necessitating robust security measures to protect their work and privacy.
Ethics, diversity and inclusion played a pivotal role in the development of Flific. Given that the adult content industry is often marginalized and reproduce the worst aspect of human being, it was essential to create a product that was ethical and respectful. Designing inspired from the principles of Humane by Design, and TODXS publications about diversity and inclusion, I aimed to design a human-centered and ethical experience for both creators and users.

By identifying and addressing these key problems, Flific aimed to revolutionize the adult content market in Brazil, offering a streamlined onboarding process, enhanced security measures, an ethical approach. These considerations would not only differentiate Flific from the competition but also provide a credible and trustworthy platform for content creators and consumers alike.

Design Process
Based on the extensive research conducted, I collaborated with the entrepreneurs to define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), mapping out the platform's user base and identifying a set of initial features to kickstart operations.

User Goals:
For each user segment identified in the research, I defined their specific goals within the platform. Understanding the unique needs and objectives of each user group was essential for delivering a tailored user experience.

Task Flows:
To address each user goal, I created detailed task flows, outlining step-by-step processes to accomplish the associated tasks. These task flows served as a guide for designing intuitive and efficient user journeys.

During this stage, I gained visibility into the legal requirements necessary for the business to operate effectively. This included determining the information we needed from users, outlining the necessary data processing procedures, and anticipating various contextual scenarios. It became evident that implementing Progressive Disclosure and conversational experiences would be instrumental in streamlining the platform's bureaucratic aspects.

Wireframes & Annotations:
I began the design process by sketching interfaces on paper. With a clear understanding of the tasks and the sequential steps required to accomplish them, translating these into wireframes was a smooth and crucial step. The wireframes served as a foundation for discussions around business rules and served as documentation for the overall user experience. It was on this phase that a lot of my magic design decision shined! Understanding what user need to do and the requirements to accomplish the task gave me the right context to think outside the box and create different approaches and minor features that deliver what the user and the brand needed

Visual design:
As the final deliverable, I designed the interfaces using a combination glassmorphism and flat design because it was a visual appealing trend that fits really well on the attributes that I had previously developed for the brand in a separate parallel project. Applying all the defined attributes and elements, I created visually appealing interfaces that aligned with the brand and enhanced the overall user experience. The interactions and necessary interfaces were delivered through Zeplin, ensuring a seamless handoff to the development team.

By following this structured approach, from defining user goals and task flows to wireframing and visual design, I was able to create a cohesive and user-centric platform. The iterative nature of the process allowed for feedback and collaboration, resulting in a well-documented and visually engaging user experience that met the needs of the target audience.

Solution Overview
Once the wireframes were finalized, I moved on to the crucial stage of bringing the visual design to life. This involved creating the visual elements, defining the interactions, and uploading each flow onto Zeplin for seamless handoff to the development team.

Drawing inspiration from the established brand identity and considering the feedback received from the entrepreneurs, I carefully crafted each interface with meticulous attention to detail. The objective was to create a visually appealing and cohesive design that aligned with the overall user experience goals.

During this process, I ensured that the design solutions addressed the specific challenges identified earlier. For instance, the combination of Progressive Disclosure and Conversational design patterns was applied to guide users through complex tasks and reduce cognitive load. This approach enhanced the sense of fluidity and ease of use, avoiding overwhelming users with excessive information at once.

address the ethical considerations, I adopted a transparent and simplified approach in every aspect of the user experience. Also I decided to ask about gender and sexual orientation in the beginning of the experience to reach the diversity goal on the experience. One notable example was the pricing screen, where lucidity regarding platform fees was crucial. To achieve this, I opted to ask creators how much they wanted to earn, rather than setting the sale price directly. The platform then automatically calculated the final sale price, considering the associated fees, which were clearly explained in a user-friendly interface.
The delivery of wireframes was carried out gradually through Notion, accompanied by detailed annotations that provided comprehensive explanations of the interface and business rules. This documentation served as a valuable reference for the development team, ensuring a seamless transition from design to implementation.
By adhering to a user-centered design approach and considering the established brand identity, the final visual design captured the essence of Flific. It embodied a harmonious fusion of aesthetics and functionality, enabling a delightful user experience while effectively addressing the identified challenges. The handoff to the development team via Zeplin facilitated a smooth transition, ensuring that the envisioned design would be faithfully translated into the fully functional product.
Outcome and Results
Registered Users
Uploaded packs
Followers on Creators
The design of the platform has received numerous accolades, including a comparison to being the "Nubank of adult platforms" (a popular and highly regarded fintech company in Brazil). While I appreciate the compliment, I believe there is still much room for improvement. As a dedicated designer, I can already identify areas where I would update and simplify elements of the interface.

Continuing to refine and enhance the user experience based on user feedback and emerging trends is an ongoing process. By staying committed to iterative design improvements, I am confident that we can continue to meet and exceed user expectations, further solidifying our position as a leading platform in the adult industry.

Lessons Learned
1. Design decisions often reveal their impact only when the product is live: While conducting usability testing with the explored concepts, I designed a platform that granted creators almost full autonomy, allowing them to define their target audience based on the brand's values. However, this decision proved to be a significant oversight. Over time, creators began indicating that everyone could access their content because, ultimately, they wanted to maximize their sales. This undermined the intended diversity filtering we had implemented for the content, and it highlighted the need to strike a balance between creator autonomy and audience reach.

2. The success of a product relies on the success of its users: In the later stages of operation, an insight from the initial research phase became consistently evident. For creators, the platform's success was directly linked to their ability to sell their products and generate income. Understanding and supporting the users' goals and aspirations is crucial for the sustained success of the platform.

3. Legal considerations are as critical as technological ones: Due to the specific market the product targeted and our commitment to ethical standards, we worked closely with the legal department to create the best possible product. More than once, it was legal considerations rather than technological constraints that influenced design decisions and required adjustments. Balancing legal requirements and user experience is essential for ensuring compliance while delivering a seamless and user-friendly platform.

4. An ethical and diverse product creates connections: Throughout the operation, we observed how our product fostered a strong sense of community among creators. By positioning ourselves as an ethical and diverse platform, we attracted numerous long-time professional creators who sought a reliable source of income. Flific became a place where creators could find stability and establish meaningful connections.

5. Investing research efforts solely in one user group has consequences: In the early stages of the project, our research efforts focused primarily on content creators. Consequently, many platform decisions were geared towards their needs. However, we now realize the importance of also researching and understanding the consumer side of the equation. Gaining insights into the unique expectations and preferences of consumers would have allowed us to deliver a more tailored and comprehensive content consumption experience.

These lessons have provided valuable insights and will inform future projects, helping to improve the design process and deliver even more impactful and user-centered products.

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